March 4, 2008

Blog Woe's

As many of you know I had a blog heartbreak. I picked a new layout without saving my information and now as you can see I am missing many of my friends blog addresses. Many of you have confessed to doing this same thing. It almost felt like typing up a paper for school and then with a click of some magical button it's gone, just like that. Well I hope not to do this again but there are no gaurantees that this thing in my head called a brain might actually work and remember my previous error. Not to beg but if you can please leave your blog address in the comments section or just e-mail me your address. If you want I will erase it after I have added you to the list.
Tonight I will be going to enrichment not to be enriched oh no, but to teach! I really feel inadequate about this task but at the same time it's a really fun subject. The Sense of Touch. We are giving ourselves a spiritual spa night. I am always a sucker for anything spa-ish. I wish I got to go around and see what the other classes will be talking about but hopefully I can get a sneek peak at their info. I'll take some pictures and post some after I have recooperated from this new experience. Wish me Luck!


5SMiTHS said...

hi mandi... not sure if you even had mine before but you are on my list because i am a little spy on your page... spying on all the cute pictures of your gorgeous kids!

kirsten and josh said...

Hey you crazy woman you... you make me laugh... nice comment on my blog... and if you are talking about the family pic, then no thanks i need something better then that micrometer of a pic!C'mon now! :D jk How did tonight go? I hope well! I am sure you did awesome, I mean lets think about it... if all else failed, you are the "Favorite" right so at least you could fall back on that?! jk :D I was so bummed cause I really wanted to come, but I could not go cause I got called into work and had to go, which is where I am now at 3:58am... graveyards... so amazing :D! Hope to see you soon, doing something other then quilting! Haha! <3 Kirsten

Laura said...

Hey I didn't know you had to teach enrichment! HAHA! That's funny! Well, your blog is looking cute, hope you got all your friends back! :)

Jenna and Scott said...

hey mandi!! you didn't have my blog...but i found you and your family is so cute!!! so my blog is have a great day!!

Ashley said...

Oh Mandi... I am so glad I just read your blog. I was just searching for a new background and I haven't done that before. I am sorry for your loss though! I don't know if I was on your blog before, but mine is Your new background is cute though! See you Wednesday.


BRITT said...

Hey Mandi,
It's me your coolest roomate EVER! Tara saw Jess at costco and got her blog and so I went looking for yours. Your kids are dang cute and it looks like you guys are really happy. I am excited to keep in touch with you. You look great.
