(From top left to bottom right: Wade, Hazel, Shelane, Wyatt, Heidi, Mathew, Jared, Nikki, Jacob, Lisa, 2nd row: Allan, Lora, Preston, Sandy, Oliver, Mira, Cristal, Owen, 3rd row: Trevor, Andrew, Tristan, Carson, Devin, Ethan, Christian, Wesley, Shane 4th row: Me, Grace, Taylor, Ian,5th row: Tyler, Isaac, Kaitlyn, Porter, Collin, Atali, Jorden =37)
I forgot to add this picture but you need to see just how many Nielsens there were at our Yellowstone reunion. This is Trevor's mom and dad and brothers and sisters and all the kids. This picture is updated for now until Shelane has her baby, good job shelane! This is the clan.
Big Famiy. Heck the Smiths are about to that size now aren't you:)
Hi mandi! Its laura Kirk (smith now). I found your blg thru jake and kris' page... i hope you don't mind if i add you to my friends:)
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