May 22, 2008

My American Idol is...

So even though my pick for American Idol didn't win despite my endless voting tuesday night I know we'll hear marvelous music from him soon. Now what am I gonna do on wednesday nights when Trev is at Young Men's?


Loren said...

I am totally with ya!! I am a reality TV junkie and when the programs end, it is so sad. Guess i will have to do something more constructive like hmmmmm.....CLEAN MY HOUSE!!! haha!

Laura said...

You're going to watch SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE!

Bugg's mama said...

Amen!! I really loved David A. Oh, well......

Thanks for saying Hi on our blog! Great to be in touch with you again!


Laura said...

I tagged you! Go to my blog and copy my post and redo it with your own answers...