November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween and humbling experiences

If you're like me and you have a running/ walking buddy and you get to vent daily to your sounding board then we are blessed. But be warned things you say are heard, and not just by your buddy. I was walking last week and I starting asking Cristy who she thought would be replacing all the recently opened callings at church. So one by one they've been filling up except one, Primary 1st counselor, who got called as Stake Primary President. I told her that I've had my calling for about 2 years now and am finally getting the hang of it. I immediately followed that with maybe I shouldn't say anything because it'll be me getting the phone call. Sure enough last night a call from Brother Zambrana asking if he could come over and talk with us sent a chill through my body. He came and extended the call and I accepted of course. While I will really miss the youth that I teach in Sunday school, I am really excited to be with the children of the ward. They are truly angels and we are supposed to learn from them and be like them so hopefully I pick up some of their angelic traits.

Halloween is always a fun day for us, busy but fun. We go to my mom's house every year and eat some delicious soup and go trick or treating to some close neighbors, Grandma Fanara's house and aunt Sheila's. Who I must say spoiled the kids rotten with candy and cookies. I will be sending you guys the Dentist bill for cavities. Just kidding. They loved it and felt so special. Recently my little niece Ava has formed a strong attachment to Trevor and for the life of us can't figure out why. It might be all the the sweet treats he's slipped to her now and then but it is adorable. She wanted nothing to do with her parents and needed to be either holding hands or being held by him the entire night. It was adorable. We had a fun going around with the cousins and aunts and uncles while Nana and Papa passed out candy. Tyler was Darth Vader, Grace Bell, and Andrew was Woody and Bullseye. They love playing dress up and this was a pure night of Joy. It takes so little to make kids happy. Hope you all had a safe and fun Halloween.


Loren said...

Congrats on your new calling!! I would LOVE to be in primary - i miss it. Now is the time to be in primary when your kids are also. I am excited for you. Hope you have a great holiday - maybe we will see you at Kirsten's wedding reception.