September 20, 2007

Are you kidding Me?

O.k Laura, this is for you!
So I guess my life has been pretty comically eventful lately. From backed up septic system in my newly remodeled bathroom, Grace's broken leg on labor day, Tyler's quarter sized wad of tissue that had to be vacuumed out of his nose, and my muscle spasms in my back... exactly, are you kidding me! The timeline of events was all within a week of each other and leaving me only to have to visit Kaiser about 4 times.
Tyler started Kindergarten and has been wearing a certain color shirt for the past two weeks to go with the theme in his class. I didn't make him wear pink on picture day, that would've been one for the yearbook. Can you believe my son is going to be in a year book! I think that is just so amazing that I'm old enough to have a kid in a yearbook. Yes I'm having a birthday on Sunday. I'm not so excited about this one, it's old. Almost 30 , only 3 years away. How the heck did that happen? Well as long as I don't feel it I guess that's all that matters. Well an update soon I'm sure if life keeps going the way it is!